konchem touchlo vunte chepta tv show, konchem touch lo unte chepta in zee telugu To make this festive season more special, Zee Telugu is gearing up with back to back launches of two new shows. The first to come is a celebrity talk show ‘Konchem Touchlo Unte Chepta’ with Star anchor Pradeep in the host seat. This show will bring famous Tollywood celebrities and make them talk frankly about their personal life, and share their sweet memories which were never shared on any platform. Along with this the host also reveals certain unknown truths and funny embarrassing moments of the celebrities. The guest list includes Tollywood leading lady Kajal Agarwal in the first episode followed by leading stars Naga Chaitanya, Nani, Allari Naresh, Colours Swathi and so on in subsequent weeks. ‘Kochem Touch Lo Unte Chepta’ weekly show Saturday’s @ 8:30 pm. Show Time : Sat 8:30 PM konchem touchlo vunte chepta episode 1 Latest All videos playlist koncham...
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